DLRCC Coastal Plan 22nd

Extract from the revised DLRCC. Coastal Plan

3.2.1 Coastal walk
It is an objective in the County Development Plan “To investigate the feasibility of a public right of way along the coastline, extending from the County boundary at Bray to the County boundary at Booterstown” (page 69).

At low tide the inner parts of the shore are used for walking. Bait digging is also popular on the sand flats. At high tide swimming is enjoyed from two swimming points adjoining Booterstown station and Williamstown Martello Tower. Access is via a pedestrian bridge over the rail line. These bathing places are not accessible to the mobility impaired and there are only the most basic steps down to the sea.

Many of the submissions received raised the issue of providing a coastal walk on the seaside of the rail line. Many suggested a walk similar to that, which was constructed at Sandymount in the Dublin Corporation area. There were also suggestions that a boardwalk be constructed along the coast. Concerns were expressed about the effects of any walkway on the granite sea wall, the need for high quality materials and the effect on bird life in the Sandymount Strand SPA. If the Eastern Bypass is constructed at a future date there may be an opportunity to use the construction spoil for a causeway. The need to include a cycle lane was also suggested.

The need for access to the coast for the mobility impaired is recognised. CIE have indicated that they want to upgrade the stations in the coastal plan area. Included in their proposal is the provision of lifts and over-bridge to make the stations accessible to the mobility impaired. This facility could be designed to also provide access to the coast with a viewing platform and steps.

Short Term Objective: To repair the existing sections of concrete walks and steps to the coast within the control of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. All works/repairs should be carried out to best conservation practise where works are proposed to the original railway wall. Appropriate materials and repair methods should be used.

Medium Term Objective: To light the path and cycle lane through the park which links Booterstown and Blackrock park in a sensitive manner and to improve warning signage. To ensure that any new bridge and lift at Booterstown DART station also provides access to the coast and to construct a viewing platform with steps and access ramp.

Long term objective: To support the provision of a coastal walk/cycleway form the county boundary to Sandycove. The physical nature of any coastal walkway/cycelway would only be ascertained after a feasibility study and Environmental Impact Assessment which must address the following issues;

· The impact of any development on the environmental amenities of the coast including Dublin Bay SPA and Booterstown Marsh.
· The issue of global warming, rising sea levels and flooding and the impact of any walk or infill proposals on it.
· Security and safety of any coastal walkway/cycelway.
· Investigation of themes which link the entire area/walkway/cycleway – example: Martello towers, the sea baths and other features which reoccur along the coastline.