The following are the questions asked most frequently about the proposal.

Q. I think this is a great idea, what more can I do to help?

A. First of all, let us know that you wish to help and if you you can help in any particular way. Aside from specific assistance, we encourage people to mention their support for the proposal to politicians and officials in the local authorities, if and when the opportunity arises. If you are a Facebook user, it would be helpful if you happened to “like” the project.

Q. What will the promenade and cycleway look like?

A. Please click here to see a sample picture of the likely construction. However, this project is very much still at the proposal stage and may ultimately differ somewhat from this.

Q. I've got an idea which I think you should incorporate into your proposal. Who should I contact?

A. Please email us at support@s2s.ie. We read all our mails and are happy to consider anything that might improve attraction and usefulness of the promenade.

Q. Will there be any impact on the environment?

A. It is hoped that there will not be imapcts that are so negative as to prevent the project from proceeding. Dublin Bay has been used as an amenity for the citizens for centuries and the availbility of a seafront promenade will be such that it will be more attractive for people to stroll on rather than the beach, which they do currently. Imagintive design of sensitive sections can mitigate negative impacts. Because the project is in an area that is covered by the EU Habitats Directives, it is neccessary to complete a special environmental study, which is known as an Appropriate Assessment. This has yet to be done although other preliminary studies have been completed. We would hope that the Appropriate Assesment would show that the overall benefits accruing to the city and its inhabitants would far outweigh all concerns of an environmental nature. Everyone would wish to see the birds and habitats continue to thrive in Dublin Bay and it is the objective of the Habitats Directives to achieve a balance between the needs of people with those of the flora and fauna.

Q. I have heard that there will be car parks and other facilities along the route. What and where will they be?

A. We are a single issue voluntary group whose sole objective is to promote the idea of the promenade and cycleway. We propose absolutely nothing else apart from this. Any rumours you may have heard are precisely that – rumours.