
Here is a selection of some of the e-Mails we have received in relation to the proposal. *


Dear Minister, I am very pleased that the government has agreed to support the cycling route around Dublin Bay. It is a very exciting venture and should be a great environmentally-friendly amenity for the people of Dublin and beyond. Well done, Eric Conroy, Hon. Treasurer, An Taisce (and ardent cyclist!)


Email sent to Minister of Environment (and Taoiseach) 22nd Nov 2006

Dear Minister,

I am very pleased that the government has agreed to support the cycling route around Dublin Bay. It is a very exciting venture and should be a great environmentally-friendly amenity for the people of Dublin and beyond.

Well done,

Eric Conroy,

Hon. Treasurer, An Taisce (and ardent cyclist!)


From Nick Koumarianos 15th November 2006

Dear Taoiseach and Minister Roche,

I was very encouraged and grateful to read of your support for the s2s cycle and walking track project in Mondays papers.

Dublin Bay is a fantastic amenity and this clever idea will maximise the use of it's shoreline for a relatively modest investment.

I have witnessed the success of similar projects in other cities and know that s2s will add substantially to the enjoyment of the Capital by both residents and visitors.

With best wishes,

Nick Koumarianos


From David McCabe to the Taoiseach and Minister for the Environment 15th Nov 2006

My thanks to you Taoiseach and minister Roche for giving your public support to the Sandycove to Sutton project around Dublin Bay. The northsiders have their lovely linear park from Fairview to Sutton whilst us southsiders have only 500 metres at Sandymount.!!

So push it ahead as a 2007 Election project and use the rubble from Lansdowne Road demolition as infill at Sandymount. Well done and thanks to all involved.

David McCabe


Taoiseach, Minister,

Thank you for your efforts in support of the s2s project. I think it will in the future be a very valuable contribution to quality of life in Dublin and an example to the entire country, if your attention remains on it. I think it will have many spinoff benefits for individuals and communities and maybe even politicians.

Kind Regards,

Gerry Kelly


From: Cedric B. Herfeldt, 10th April 2006

Hi All

I attended at the Dublin Bay Futures event last Saturday in Dun Laoghaire and find your project very interesting. Would you eventually consider organising a walk along the bay?

Best Regards


From Pat Hannon 3rd April 2006


I heard the proposal for a continuous cycle-way from Sanycove to Sutton mentioned on the Today with Pat Kenny show this morning. It's a wonderful idea. Having just come back from Chicago with a similar 15-mile lakeshore cycle-way I can really appreciate the idea. Can't wait for it to happen along with the other interesting ideas that were mentioned on the show to enhance the Bay.

Best regards,



From Petronius 22nd February 2006

Hi S2S

I hope this idea and campaign is alive and well and successful - i think it makes great sense. It has benefits for peoples health by encouraging them to be active walk and cycle. It surely increases the use of an under appreciated resource which is dublin bay and indeed the quayside. It was to my annoyance that i discovered that the new "foot" bridge to the IFSC(Seán o'casey bridge) does not cater for cyclists - and specifies "no cycling"

Wishing you all success.



From Anna Walsh 2nd November 05

Badly needed and a great idea- I hope there will be more to follow. Go to Scandinavia and you can see how traffic has been cut by great cyclepaths where even children on their way to school can cycle.


From: Brian Maurer, Medical Director, Irish Heart Foundation 12th September 2005

Warmly support this initiative of which I have only just learned. Can we be of help in progressing the work. With increasing energy costs there will be no better time to start lobbying vigorously.

Brian Maurer


From Simon Roguls 25th July 2005

I was very pleased to read about the proposed s2s development on your site, and would be happy to lend my support to this initiative. While I am a regular cyclist and jogger, I think that a key value of the project will be to create a focal point for leisure activities for the wider populace of Dublin, not just commuters and exercise enthusiasts. I believe that such an amenity would transform a seriously under-utilised coastline and set the tone for a world-class recreational infrastructure in Dublin. It could provide an excellent basis and ethos for city-wide developments of this nature for years to come. I am keen to find out a little more about the present status of the proposal, and whether there is anything that I can do to assist in a securing a successful outcome.

With kind regards,



From Robin Mather 26th June 2005

I am very much in favour of the S2S. It would be an excellent amenity. I would be interested in information regarding this.

Many thanks,



From: Ross Kelly 26th May 2005

Hi, My name is Ross Kelly and I've been aware of your proposal for some time now and watched a documentary on RTE last night about Dublin bay and the S2S scheme. I'm very interested in the proposal and would like to be involved as: - I'm a keen cyclist and have been hit by cars too many times on the Merrion Road! - I really think its important that the general public have access to the bay. With all the apartments going up along the coast the whole city's going to be blocked off from the bay by five story private complexes. - I remember they had the same sort of thing in Chicago (except to a much larger scale) and it made the city a great place to live. So I was wondering if there was any way in which I could get involved in the project? I'm an IT manager with significant creative, interpersonal and organizational abilities. I'm not looking for a job here, I'd like to help out one night a week or so! If you don't have any official set-up for volunteer helpers, maybe we could meet and discuss the project and I could maybe could think of ways I could help. I'm pretty good at adding value to a project without being a drain on current resources, so I really feel I could be of genuine use. I think this project is a great idea and it has caught my imagination so I'd love to help. Congratulations on your work to date,



From: Fiona Maguire 16th May 2005

I wish to add my support to this excellent initiative. Whilst living in Sydney Australia I lived near Centennial Park in Randwick. In addition to many other facilities it had a number of tracks around the perimeter for walking/running, cycling and horse riding.They were all well loved and used by the community.



From Valerie Fitzsimons 18th February 2005

Great plan, long overdue!! Keep up the good work!

Valerie Fitzsimons


From: Hugh Evans Sent: 14 September 2003 01:34

To: Subject:

The S2S Project I approve of the S2S website and of the project, especially because here in the United States much of the coastline is in private hands and off limits for the public. My strongest response in relation to S2S is a memory of walking on the beach at Juhu in Bombay at dusk some years ago. Juhu is a suburb of Bombay near the international airport where many Bollywood film stars and prominent Indian professionals and business people live, intermixed with great numbers of Indian midlle class and poor. It is the custom for many of these people to walk the beach at the end of the day. What results is one of the most plural and diverse mixes of people I have ever observed, all harmoniously sharing the same space. I imagine, when your project is complete, it will offer a neutral space where the diverse and interesting people of Dublin can similarly enjoy congregating in a public space. There is something about the meeting of the sea and the land that neutralizes for a moment all (or most!) considerations of class and ownership. Best wishes.

Hugh Evans


From: Harris Andrew


Subject: Irish Independant article.

Great to see the project getting such prominent publicity.(Irish Independant supp - 30/8/03) When I first heard about it I was very excited. As a cyclist, the thought of a dedicated 22km cycle lane running along the bay was fantasy stuff especially as we live in Ireland where such things rarely come to pass. I've experienced similar projects in France. In the Alps there is a cycle lane the entire way around Lac d'Annecy and in the Pyrennes they have converted an old railway line into a cycle lane from Lourdes to Argeles Gazost. The only problem is unfortnately an Irish one. Cyclists here are generally disrespected and ignored by motorists and pedestrians. Where the current cycle lane runs from Sutton towards town along the bay, its good, but dangerous also. Despite the bike symbols painted on the lane, pedestrians wander all over the place totally oblivious to cyclists. Serious cyclists who do use the lanes can be doing 25mph with ease. If a child is hit by a bike it can be very serious. It doesn't happen in Europe. If the lanes were colour coded as in the city centre it might be better. Putting in a kerb for seperation makes the lanes too narrow and overtaking impossible. Where dual purpose lanes are being installed there needs to be a public awareness campaign so as to avoid accidents. More signs along the routes warning of the dangers should also be put up. The potential of this project is enormous.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Harris.


From: Robin Norton Sent: 01 August 2003 20:06

To: Subject: Sutton to S'cove

Saw your excellent leaflet in the Blackrock Library. This is a wonderful concept and I wish you success in its implementation. Sadly the "prom" at Sandymonut has been barred to cyclists probably due to complaints by local busybodies (why are bikers resented so much? - a form of jealousy, perhaps). This used to be a lovely way into the city, now one has to go illegal and use the footpath. Could I suggest that DLRC be asked to line out the footpath between B'town DART station and Merrion Gates. It's wide enough to take walkers and bikers.

Peace, Love and Bicycles!

Robin Norton


From: Genealogical Society of Ireland Sent: 13 July 2003 19:14

To: Subject: Coastal Walk & Cycle Way

A Chairde,

Congratulations on the development of this wonderful plan for Dublin Bay. Indeed, the Genealogical Society of Ireland is contributing to the enhancement of the area by restoring and refurbishing the Martello Tower at Seapoint, Co. Dublin as a permanent base for our Archives. "An Daonchartlann" as it will be known will be officially opened in 2004, however, with work progressing, already the locals are referring to the Tower as the "Family History Tower". This walkway from Sutton to Sandycove will greatly improve access for the public to the many attractions, leisure and heritage facilities all along Dublin's Riviera.

Keep up the good work.

Kind regards Michael Merrigan Hon.

Secretary Genealogical Society of Ireland


From: Poppy Shirley Sent: 03 July 2003 21:05


Wonderful, wonderful project which beats the Luas and the Tunnel and all the delayed or projected by-passes and new Motorways. This one is so environmentally friendly and if sufficiently supported as it so deserves would do more for the traffic and the people of Dublin City and surrounds.

May the project prosper.


From: Carmel Groarke Sent: 17 June 2003 21:26


Live in Sandycove and play golf in Howth once a week - would beat Eastlink and all those trucks any day! Keep up the good work.



From: Leo Enright Sent: 12 May 2003 12:05

To: Subject:

Is this excellent project still active? Is this excellent project still active? If so, I'd be happy to lend whatever small support I can.

Leo Enright


From: Clara Clark Sent: 15 March 2004 09:35

To: Subject: S2S Proposal

I wish to add my support of and commitment to the development of the S2S, Sutton to Sandycove cycle and walkway. As a regular cyclist and walker, I can see the huge merits of this project, which will reclaim the coastline and access to the sea, beaches, and fresh air, safe and removed from cars, lorries and roads.

The S2S route, once established, will be used by commuters, families, staff during lunch and break times, as well as exercisers. It will finally encourage people out of cars, even off buses, to avail of the pleasant, SAFER, and environmentally friendlier route to and from their places of work, and as a mode of transport. It will allow students and school-children a quicker, healthier, more fun way of getting to/from school/college.

If government departments were to combine some initiatives, it could be a springboard for the Departments of Transport, the Environment, and Health to create joint promotions linking new transport options, environmentally-friendly ideas and obesity-tackling initiatives all through one project, the S2S. In addition, it should offer parallel initiatives such as screened recycling areas close to parking areas on the route, properly -designed skateboard parks to attract young people towards using the S2S to access outdoor activities, bike rental stands, or free bike pick-ups, as they have in Holland and Denmark.

S2S should be incorporated into all Dublin city maps and guide books, leaflets available in all hotels, tourist information offices, libraries, schools etc. Dublin Bay is a wonderful but totally under-used and under-appreciated amenity. The S2S can change all that. Dublin city can reclaim its coastline, its wonderful views, its clean air, one of its hidden treasures. Dubliners and their guests can begin to appreciate our location and the bountiful free amenities on our doorstep. For too long Dublin has turned its back on our foreshore, and allowed industry, dumping, and neglect to take over. The S2S can give Dublin a whole new aspect and benefit. I hope that the Dublin City authorities will see the S2S as an important, positive, added-value initiative to Dublin's infrastructure.

Clara Clark



From: Noel Broderick Sent: 23 July 2002 14:32


Good luck with the project. It's a terrific idea.

Noel Broderick.


From: Jones, Bryan Sent: 31 July 2002 13:56

To: ''

I think it's a fantastic idea. Chicago has something very similar and it's a great amenity.

I'd love to see it happen


From: Paul McGowan Sent: 21 August 2002 10:34

To: ''

I think this is a great idea and you have my full support.

Paul Mc Gowan Paul McGowan Joint Managing Director Dolmen Securities Limited


From: Lee Dillon Sent: 28 August 2002 10:04


I think S2S is a wonderful idea!! Thankyou!

Lee Dillon

42 Eglinton Road Donnybrook


From: "Paul Murphy"

To: Subject: Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:49:19 +0100

Go for it!


From: "Ainhoa Gonzalez"

To: Subject: Support Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 11:02:41 +0100

Excellent idea! The best Dublin city development proposal I have ever come across...

Ainhoa Gonzalez Environmental Consultant


From: "Fiona Arnold"

To: Subject: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 11:29:17 +0100

We would like to support this marvellous scheme!


From: "Don O'Riordan"


Subject: Great Idea! Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 20:53:54 +0100


From: "Brendan Quigley"


Subject: sutton to sandycove Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 22:49:46 +0100

great idea should be done


richard quigley


From: "veronica gavin"


Subject: s2s Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 21:19:37 +0100

Congratulations on your magnificent proposal for Dublin Bay. I hope I am still cycling when it comes to fruition. As every cyclist knows Booterstown Rd. is not for the faint-hearted! Wishing you all every sucess in your endeavours.

V Gavin.


From: "Karen" To:

Subject: Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 17:47:47 +0100

Dear S2S You have my unqualified support for such an excellent idea. I would be interested to know how you campaign progresses and how much public support you of luck

Stephen Coyne


From: "Aoife Timothy"

To: Subject: support Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 15:32:57 +0100

great plan.


From: "Ainhoa Gonzalez"

To: "S2S Support"

Subject: Proposal Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:52:01 +0100

Hi S2S, I was at the meeting on tuesday. I though it was a very interesting proposal and I'd like to support it in anyway possible. Therefore if you need support or help organising any of the activities please do not hesitate to contact me. I also wanted to ask you if you have considered the creation of green areas and parks along the promenade/cycleway using apropriate spoil material. I reckon these would solve many problems as it would provide new habitats for wildlife, new ammenities for local neighbours (the ones that complain for disturbance of access to the beach for instance could benefits from new open spaces) and for people walking/cycling along the promenade. Anyway, best of luck in gathering efforts and hope to hear from you soon.


Ainhoa Gonzalez Environmental Consultant


From: "Kelvin Gillen To: "'S2S Support'"

Subject: RE: S2S Promenade and Cycleway Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:18:27 +0100

Apologies for the late reply to your mail - unfortunately I won't be back in Dublin tomorrow night and therefore unable to make your session. However, I would like to offer my assistance, ( in what manner, I'm not as sure ) as opposed to just vocalising my support. Thanks and I'll catch the up-date on the www.

Best of luck,



From: "Micheal L Collins" To:

Subject: Support Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 15:47:45 +0100 Hi, I want to express my support for your venture. It is a sensible and attractive idea which if successful will add a wonderful sporting/leisure/health amenity to Dublin City. I am unsure how I might be of assistance but would be very happy to help out if required. Please feel free to contact me.

With Best Wishes Micheál Collins


From: "Sarah Joyce" To: Subject: help Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:45:34 +0100

If you need help, let me know.

Sarah Joyce


From: Gabriel.Cooney Sent: 30 June 2002 18:57

To: Subject:


I Just following up a brief chat with Michael Collins following his presentation of the S2S project in Booterstown during the week. I would be pleased to help if I can - it is a great idea with huge potential. Specifically and professionally if there is any archaeological/historical perspective or problem I would be pleased to assist but more generally and personally I would be keen to help if I can.

Professor Gabriel Cooney


From: "Sarah Joyce"

To: Subject: Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:44:26 +0100

yes I think it's a great idea. Good Luck.

Sarah Joyce


From: "schmidtc"


Subject: GREAT IDEA! Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 22:37:59 +0100

That would be wonderful! Keep up the good work!

(Signed: Christoph Schmidt-Supprian)


From: "Jennifer Bradley"

To: Subject: Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:56:06 +0100

Jennifer Bradley


From: "Brian Byrne"

To: Subject: COUNT ME IN.... Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 14:34:31 +0100

Regards Brian Byrne


From: "Tom Goulding"

To: Subject: support Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 12:30:30 +0100

As a cyclist living in Monkstown I find no cycle tracks in this area



From: "Warren McAllister" To: Subject: Well done! Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 11:38:50 +0100

Good proposal - I would be happy to help as I live currently in Dun Laoire and commute everyday by bike to Dublin City... Warren McAllister


From: "Eric Conroy"


Subject: Proposed Project Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 19:59:16 +0100

Dear Sir/Madam,

This sounds like a very good idea. The only point to bear in mind is not to over-engineer the project and interfere unduly with the existing natural environment around the bay. Maximise as much as possible of existing roadways, pathways etc. Keep up the good work,

Best wishes,

Eric Conroy.




Subject: cycleway Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:52:15 +0100

HI there

I saw your website and just wanted to register my support. Anything which faciliates us largely ignored cyclists, would be excellent. Now if you could tackle the rest of Dublin city..?!

Good website too.


Mary d'Arcy


From: "Conor Houghton"


Subject: Great Idea Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 22:00:44 +0100

What would be good would be to organize an annual cycle along the route, it would popularize your cause and if you make any progress, it will be great to see the cycle lanes improve year on year. I guess the big problem is that the route is a line not a circle, but maybe you could do a deal with the DART,

All the best Conor


From: "Crowther, Paul"


Subject: great idea...full support Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:29:05 +0100 >

Paul Crowther


From: "Leslie Reed"


Subject: Sutton/Sandycove Cycleway Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:59:11 +0100

I look forward to cycling it.


Reply-To: "Michael Goan"

From: "Michael Goan"

To: Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:23:14 +0100


From: "Gleeson, Niamh"


Subject: Excellent work! Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:30:13 +0100


From: "Egan, Cliodhna"


Subject: Full support for continuous walkway! Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 08:55:09 +0100



To: Subject: Dae: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 08:36:56 +0100

Dolores O'Hare


From: "Mark P Lalor"


Subject: Yes ! Date:

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 19:35:51 +0100

Brilliant idea from one who walks Sandymount Strand, the Nature Reserve @ Ringsend, Sth Wall and Dun Laoire West Pier......this might get me back on a bike for leisure......last bike was in mid 60s....when i had to buy a car for my first job !


From: "Katherine Dickson"

To: Subject: support Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 18:44:44 +0100

Enthusiastic support from one Sandycove family of commuters...




Subject: Great Idea Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 16:43:02 +0100

A fantastic idea. The best of luck with it.


From: "Breda Logan"

To: Subject: Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 23:08:29 +0100

Great Idea Good Luck

Breda Logan & Charlie Mooney


From: "Cathy Wills"

To: Subject: Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 17:29:27 +0100

Good luck with the project. We need something like that in the West.


From: "lindsay martin"


Subject: supporting the proposal Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 16:20:28 +0100

a valuable bonus to the transport system.. dublin is seriously lacking in bicycle lanes. good luck


From: "Fintan Lyons OSB"


Subject: support Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:37:25 +0100

As leader of the Glasthule (Sandycove) - Rome Cycle in 1980 and the Balally (Dundrum) - Jerusalem Cycle in 1983, I would naturally give enthusiastic support to the proposal.

P. F. Lyons OSB


From: "Alex Findlater"


Subject: s2s Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:59:54 +0100

Great plan. This will enable the Bloomsday Sandycove and City efforts to link up. Set the target date for 16th June 2004, the centenary of Ulysses.

With best wishes,

Alex Findlater.




Subject: Promenade Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:54:53 +0100

Congratulations on a brilliant and innovative idea. When completed, the promenade will benefit many people for generations. The people behind this idea deserve full support to turn this dream into reality.

Brendan O'Leary Chairman - Bray Wheelers Cycling Club


From: "Tony Randles"


Subject: great idea! Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 02:49:12 +0100


From: "McDonnell, Simon"


Subject: Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:44:12 +0100

Hope it works!


From: "Kennedy, Margaret"


Subject: Good idea! Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:48:02 +0100


From: "Brenda Reilly"


Subject: Great idea Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:44:59 +0100


From: "Abbot Christopher Dillon OSB"


Subject: cycle/walk way Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 12:58:03 +0100

an excellent idea Abbot Christopher Dillon osb


From: "Rosemary Wilson "


Subject: Yes! Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 12:25:36 +0100

A wonderful suggestion - best of luck in your endeavours.

Rosemary Wilson




Subject: Good idea Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:49:11 +0100


From: "Sheila, Eamonn Heffernan"


Subject: Cycle path Sutton to Sandycove. Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 09:40:47 +0100

Great news! a much needed amenity. Go for it and make it happen! Sheila Heffernan ( a cyclist who is tired of just 'trying to survive' on each outing!)


From: "Francis Fullen"


Subject: Sounds great Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 07:48:02 +0100


From: "Rodney Devitt"


Subject: new cycleway and promenade Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 22:44:00 +0100

Very impressed by the proposal. An excellent idea. Our full support.

The Devitt Family of Sandymount.


From: "chris fitzgerald"

To: Subject: promenade Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 21:05:15 +0100

What a terrific idea. I wish you every success.

Chris FitzGerald


From: "Peter Dwyer "

To: Subject: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 16:34:43 +0100



From: "Liam Lonergan" To: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 16:42:48 +0100

Great idea

liam lonergan


From: "Justin McKenna"


Subject: great site great idea Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 16:39:57 +0100

Justin McKenna


From: "FARRELL Maria"


Subject: what a brilliant idea! Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 16:17:02 +0100 >

Maria Farrell


From: "Stephen O'Flaherty" To:

Subject: Excellent idea Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 15:31:27 +0100


From: "Horan, Noel"

To: Subject: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 14:07:45 +0100

Idea sounds of luck


From: "Ziene Mottiar"


Subject: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 13:46:17 +0100

Read about your plans in Irish Times today. This is a brilliant idea. As well as providing a good leisure facility it may make cycling to work more attractive/feasible and thus improve the traffic and congestion on the DART. Well done.

Regards. Ziene


From: "John O Connor"

Subject: support for s2s concept Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 14:28:07 +0100

Brilliant idea!


From: "John O Connor"

Subject: support for s2s concept Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 14:28:07 +0100

Brilliant idea!


From: "Marie Mangan - IRELAND"

To: Subject: Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 12:31:02 +0100

I'd just like to congratulate you on this exciting project which I believe would bring enormous benefits to not only those living along the route but also to visitors to the area and as a tourist attraction talking point.

Marie Mangan


From: "Pat Ryan"


Subject: Great Idea !! Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 12:17:58 +0100

Pat Ryan


Reply-To: "Peter Ledbetter"

From: "Peter Ledbetter"


Subject: S2S Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 14:51:14 +0100



From: "Mark O'Brien"


Subject: Super Idea! Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 10:48:45 +0100

Keep up the good work!!

Mark O'Brien


From: "Ken McDonnell"


Subject: Support! Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 10:21:19 +0100

Organization: McDonnell Software Best idea I've heard in a long time! We're spending 400 million on the port tunnel, hunderds of millions more on the M50, why not a couple of quid on this?




From: "Kieran O'Callaghan"


Subject: Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 23:19:18 +0100

This sounds like a great idea.

Kieran O'Callaghan


From: "Montgomery, William"

To: Subject: Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:55:07 +0100

William Montgomery


From: "Dick Senzig"


Subject: Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:46:16 +0100

Having used the Sandymount path many times for exercise during our sojourn in Dublin, I heartily support this extension.


From: Sarah Joyce Sent: 12 June 2002 13:46


Subject: help If you need help, let me know.

Sarah Joyce


From: "Joe Conway"

To: Subject: Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 18:35:46 +0100

Great idea... I hope you can bring it to fruition

Joe Conway


From: William Hamilton Sent: 06 June 2002 11:49


Subject: Suggestion Great idea.

Keep it up. I love cycling, walking and running but find dublin can be a pain in the you know what. Would there be any space in you plans for a jogging lane?? It is not good for joints and bones to be constantly running on concrete and roads. Could there be (at in least sections) a running surface included to take joggers into account? Maybe too expensive? Billy Hamilton From: Micheal L Collins Sent: 12 June 2002 15:48 To: Subject: Support Hi, I want to express my support for your venture. It is a sensible and attractive idea which if successful will add a wonderful sporting/leisure/health amenity to Dublin City. I am unsure how I might be of assistance but would be very happy to help out if required. Please feel free to contact me.

With Best Wishes

Micheál Collins


From: David McCabe Sent: 06 June 2002 20:20

To: Subject: walkway promenade and cycle way kindly send me more information on the above t This is an idea which I championed in 1998 (although limited to Irishtown to Dun Laoghaire) through a letter to the Irish Times as a potential milennium project. I am a retired and active banker/accountant and would be glad to lend my time and skills to your efforts. Will you have a public meeting(s)?

David McCabe


From: Beth and Jane O'Halloran Sent: 08 June 2002 18:02


Subject: Walkway What a fantastic idea! The most exciting plan for Dublin yet. What do you have to do next?

Jane O'Halloran


From: Chris Mac Lochlainn Sent: 07 June 2002 23:42


Subject: Proposed Route I wish to express my support for this proposal. It's a marvellous idea and will be of tremendous benefit. I'd be happy to help out if I can be of use.

Chris Mac Lochlainn


From: Anthony Sweetman Sent: 07 June 2002 17:13


Subject: Link Bridge

To whom it may concern, I am fully supportive of your campaign to connect Sandycove and Sutton by means of a pedestrian / cycle bridge. I have long considered this concept, and believe it is overdue. I am an architect and Construction Project Manager, and would be interested in lending help to the project. I am due to leave Ireland for an overseas contract in Mid-August, but would be keen to contribute in the short term.


Anthony H. Sweetman


From: Sue Carter Sent: 07 June 2002 10:57



This is Sue Carter at the Dublin Life show, the afternoon lifestyle and cultural show at Newstalk. We'd be very interested in doing a feature on the show next week on the walkway, it sounds like a great topic to discuss. The focus of our show is lifestyle in Dublin and to date we have covered a lot of similarly-themed issues in the city. I'd love to arrange for someone from the project to come onto the show next week to talk about this so if you can contact me on 01 6445109 to discuss this further.

Regards Sue Carter


From: Kelvin Gillen Sent: 07 June 2002 09:54


Subject: Support Read about yer S2S proposal in yesterday's Times - thought it was a great idea !! Would definitely like to get involved, not really sure exactly in what capacity but am willing to help. Thanks again and good luck !!

Kelvin Gillen


From: Hugh Casement Sent: 06 June 2002 23:36


Subject: Walkway Great idea, that I have been thinking about for years but of course doing nothing about it! Might be a good time to lobby the new Minister for Transport. Would certainly like to help in some way.

Hugh Casement


From: john Sent: 06 June 2002 18:49


Subject: s2s

i live in howth and use the cycle paths every day to commute to and from work ,i think your proposal is a great one and i fully support it .there is however one gripe i have ,along the route into town there are lamppost's in the middle of the track and I have nearly been impaled upon the same posts on occasions ,i think these obstacles should be removed ,wishing you the very best on your campaign

yours john wickham.


From: John Fingleton Sent: 06 June 2002 20:30

To: Subject: S2S project

To whom it may concern I am thrilled by your proposal. I have made a similar suggestion to a number of politicians in the past, but had not put it together in writing, and lacked any sort of group or organisation to support it. The genesis of my idea came from Chicago where I lived and where there is an enormously successful path of over 20 miles along the lakeshore. It is one of the most notably attractive features of living in Chicago, even though it only gets used for 6 months a year because of the weather. In my own ideas, I thought that it would make sense to link the seafront path with paths out of Dublin along the tow paths of both canals. These are an excellent resource, but need to be cleaned up, but the rights of way exist, even without any difficult parts.

I even suggested that telecom companies might be interested in buying the space beneath them for ducting. The two paths offer an excellent prospect to switch people to commuting, as they are safely insulated from traffic. In many cases, there are bridges in place, so that there is no need to cross roads. A few details would increase the use of the amenity. a.. public drinking fonts along the route because people get dehydrated easily b.. adequate lighting for safety so they can be used at night c.. resources to keep them clean and tidy d.. a soft running surface alongside for public health reasons (can elaborate if necessary). e.. high quality surface that can also be used by roller-bladers Paths that can be used by runners, cyclists, roller bladers are best, because the multiple use makes the investment more justifiable and the mass of users makes them safer. However, they need to be wide and high quality. If they just copy the Phoenix Park model, it would be a disaster. I am tying this in an airplane having just read about it in the paper, so was not able to see your website in advance. Apologies if I have duplicated your work. Anyhow, I would be very happy to support your proposals if I can.

John Fingleton


From: ann_swift Sent: 07 June 2002 07:30

To: Subject:

Support I read with interest the publicity relating to your launch yesterday. Since returning from Chicago, where they have a fantastic 'lake shore' public amenity which runs the length of the city, it has always struck me how great a similar project for Dublin would be. I would be grateful if you could keep me up to date - I would be glad to help out in a small way if there was something I could usefully contribute.

With thanks

Ann Swift


From: Conor Wilson Sent: 06 June 2002 18:47


Subject: I second that.

Absolutely brilliant. This is an excellent addition to the cycling 'cause' in Dublin. The only downside is that the resulting construction while tourist and recreation friendly will be extremely exposed (to wind) for cycling commuters. Maybe you could take this into account in you plans? Construction of small wind-breaks could turned into an attractive feature of s2s. Rugged 'sea-breeze' hardy trees and shrubbery? Small scale 'wall' sculptures etc.?

Keep it up! --- Conor Wilson


From: Nick Koumarianos Sent: 06 June 2002 17:38


Subject: s2s We are in full support of s2s. Don't forget the existing "Metals" that run alongside the Dart from Dun Laoghaire to Dalkey and which should form a branch of s2s.

Nick Koumarianos


From: Mike.Gogan Sent: 06 June 2002 17:35


Subject: Support Hi there, Well done on today's announcement. I'm delighted with what you are proposing. I'm a practical cyclist and have lived, and still visit at various locations along the route, so I know it current limitations very well. I'd like to offer my support in a practical way if I can, although I have limited time resource, although I work in the .....which may help. Keep in touch.

Regards, Mike Gogan


From: John.McGlade Sent: 06 June 2002 14:03


Subject: Promenade from Sutton to Sandycove

Would you please let me have further information on the proposed promenade form Sutton to Sandycove as I live in Sandymount and would be very keen to see the project proceed.

My name and address is John Mc Glade


From: John McInerney Sent: 06 June 2002 16:09


Subject: Active support

Hello, As one who cycles from East link to Sutton , I applaud your initiative! Let me know how I may become more actively involved.


John McInerney.


From: Denis Calahane Sent: 06 June 2002 15:35


Subject: best wishes Sounds wonderful. I've no particular ideas on how I might help, but would be glad to.

Denis Cahalane


From: Tom Coffey Sent: 06 June 2002 13:42


Subject: Attn Cyril Forbes A great idea.

I have advocated it for years. It must be done. Count me in.

Regards, Tom Coffey


From: Sides, Emma Sent: 06 June 2002 10:32

To: Subject: Helping out

Not sure how it is possible to get involved but I would be interested so perhaps you would let me know of ways you need help.

Kind regards,

Emma Sides