Exciting New Plans for the Completion of the Northern Section of the S2S. Jan 2013

The National Transport Authority (NTA) and Dublin City Council (DCC) have announced proposals to complete the missing two kilometre section of the Sutton to Sandycove Promenade and Cycleway between the Wooden Bridge and the Causeway at the Bull Island Estuary. The works, when completed, will be of great significance for the S2S project because they will effectively join up the route of the walkway and cycleway from Sutton to Alfie Byrne Road in East Wall- a distance of over 10 kilometres. It will be the largest section of the overall 22 kilometre S2S route to be completed since the idea was first promoted in 2001 and is a huge boost to the project that will be welcomed by the thousands of people who have supported it over the years.

In terms of urban development, the proposals seek to achieve a number of objectives: improve the flood defences, improve the security of the water supply to the north city, improve facilities and road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. It is a practical proposal which combines several objectives in a project that is affordable and achievable. More information on the proposal is available here.
Full details of the proposals and the background studies related to it are available on the Dublin City Council website at: http://www.dublincity.ie/RoadsandTraffic/MajorTransportProjects/Pages/SuttontoSandycoveCyclewayandFootwayInterimWorksScheme.aspx

The process for approval of the proposals has already been started by DCC. Any member of the public (both for and against the proposals) who wishes to do so, may make a written submission before 4.30pm on Monday 18th February 2013 to:
The Executive Manager,
Planning Department,
Dublin City Council, Civic Offices,
Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.

Those who wish to support the project are strongly encouraged to make a submission, even if it is only one line to confirm support for it.