National Bike Week Photocall Event in support of S2S. Booterstown Dart Station, Wednesday 18th June at 1.00pm. People, Families, Walkers and Cyclists, all Invited to Attend.

As part of National Bike Week and following on the recent Local Government elections, the event has been arranged to allow supporters of S2S to show their support for the project and to meet some of the newly elected councillors whose support is also needed to get the project going again.
Everyone is invited and asked to bring  friends and relatives. Come by Bike, Bus, Dart or Shanks Mare, whatever suits. As we do not have any tee-shirts with S2S branding, could we all wear one colour? Perhaps bright blue tee-shirts or tops would be nice? The S2S logo is blue, so blue would be good.

For further information contact:

Clara Clark – email: – mobile: 087 251 5439


Michael Collins – email: –  mobile: 086 106 8200

S2S Support Team