New Plan for Blackrock includes S2S on the Seafront- January 2014

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has announced  its intention to prepare a new Local Area Plan for Blackrock and is inviting interested parties to make suggestions or forward ideas in writing during the period  8th January, 2014 to  5th February, 2014 (inclusive). Details of the plan may be found at the following web address:,10201,en.html

The Council started this process in back in May 2013 but had to abandon it and start all over again because of problems that arose with the administrative process.  In the new plan, the Council has adopted a less prescriptive approach generally and a different attitude to the Sutton to Sandycove Promenade and Cycleway.  Supporters will be pleased to hear that the threat to abandon the S2S in the 2013 plan is replaced in Section 2.11 of the 2014 Plan by the stated aim: – “To promote the development of the Sutton to Sandycove (S2S) Promenade and Cycleway.” It is shown clearly in the attached map on the seafront.  This is indeed a welcome change.

Much credit must go to those supporters who made submissions to DLRCC in May 2013 calling on the Council to change the policy and also to those Councillors who gallantly supported that call with great conviction and eloquence at the June 2013 Council debate. 

The new plan recognises the conflict that arises between the historic use of Dublin Bay as an amenity for the citizens with the recently proposed designation of the South Bay area by the National Parks and Wildlife Section as a habitat for birds. The plan asks the question- how can these be reconciled? Anyone with views on this should make a submission to the Council.

Just as we have been critical of the Council when it has failed to stand by its own commitments in the past or ignored the clear wishes of the community, we should now equally commend the Council for having the courage to change its policy and do the right thing.   

Submissions and observations may be made by email to the following address: and should state your name, address, and where relevant, the body represented.

All other written submissions and observations should be marked for the attention of:

Director of Services,

Planning & Enterprise Department,

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council,

County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin.