
The promenade and cycleway would extend approximately 22kms from Sutton to Sandycove, linking and upgrading where appropriate, existing walkways and cycleways. On the north side of the bay, much of the facility already exists and needs only to be upgraded, made continuous and better protected from the elements. On the south side, proposals for a seafront walkway by the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council could be enhanced to provide a continuous and level promenade, wheelchair and cycleway on the sea side of the Dart line from Dun Laoghaire to the Merrion Strand.

A sea wall, similar in proportions to the existing wall protecting the railway line could be finished in granite. The facility should be provided with high quality seating, waste bins and dog scoops, eco-friendly lighting and steps or ramps onto the beach at appropriate locations.

A route through Ringsend Park would bring the facility to join the river at the East Link bridge where, it is suggested, some imaginatively designed addition to the existing bridge could provide a much improved river crossing for pedestrians and cyclists. A simple and elegant pedestrian/cyclist bridge across the Grand Canal Gut at Ringsend (lifting to allow access for boats to the Grand Canal Harbour) would extend the connection to Sir John Rogerson’s Quay on the south side.

The new pedestrian and cycleway being constructed by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority up as far as the IFSC, when completed, will serve the same purpose on the north side. Aside from any benefit to the wider population, such new links would improve the connections between the north and south of the city as well as the residential areas of Ringsend and the city centre, with substantial benefit to those communities.

A continuous water front promenade extending from Sutton to Sandycove and into the city centre has the potential to be the most used public amenity in the city. Based on the numbers that walk on Dun Laoghaire Pier and the promenade at Clontarf for exercise, it can be comfortably predicted that up to 100,000 people would use it on a weekly basis. No other public amenity or tourist attraction would come close to its popularity. It would benefit in equal measure young and old, able and disabled persons alike. Many people would be encouraged to walk, either to work or for exercise. The benefits to community health would be enormous. It would add another tourist activity to Dublin and enhance its image as an attractive destination.

It would add another tourist activity for Dublin and enhance its image as an attractive destination. It would also provide the first really safe, traffic and pollution free, continuous means of accessing the city or the seaside daily for hundreds of thousands of visitors.